Teaching Early Childhood Education (P-3) at Montclair State University

Modified Alternate Route P-3 (Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification)

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Modified Alternate Route P-3 (Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Certification)

Students with a baccalaureate degree and interest in teaching may pursue the post-baccalaureate program for certification only.

The Alternate Route Program for P-3 certification is a 24-credit graduate program that prepares you to apply for standard certification with the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE)*. Designed to be completed in two years, the program aligns with enrollment in the employer-based Provisional Teacher Program (PTP). While a Certificate of Eligibility (CE) is not required for admission, individuals must hold a CE or Limited CE to qualify for full-time employment as a teacher of record in a New Jersey public school. Upon successfully completing the program and meeting all certification requirements, program completers can apply for standard certification through the NJDOE.

Please note the program will increase to 30 credits effective Fall 2025.

50-Hour Pre-Professional Service Course

All P-3 Modified Alternate Route students are required to complete Montclair’s 50-hour pre-professional service course before starting their first semester. Accepted applicants will gain access to this course after admission.

*Beginning Fall 2025, the K-6 and P-3 certification alternate route program will increase to 30 graduate credits.

*F1/J1 seeking students are not eligible for this program. 

Please refer to our teacher education and certification page for information on other options in teacher education as well as our programs of study page for a comprehensive list of all of the graduate programs offered within the university.